Page:The varieties of religious experience, a study in human nature.djvu/547

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God, 31; sense of his presence, 66-72, 272, 275 ff.; historic changes in idea of him, 74, 328 ff., 493; mind-curer's idea of him, 101; his honor, 342; described by negatives, 417; his attributes, scholastic proof of, 439; the metaphysical ones are for us meaningless, 445; the moral ones are ill-deduced, 447; he is not a mere inference, 502; is used, not known, 506; his existence must make a difference among phenomena, 517, 522; his relation to the subconscious region, 242, 515; his tasks, 519; may be finite and plural, 525.
Goddard, 96.
Goerres, 407.
Goethe, 137.
Gough, 203.
Gourdon, 171.
'Grace,' the operation of, 226; the state of, 260.
Gratry, 146, 476, 506.
Greeks, their pessimism, 86, 142.
Guidance, 472.
Gurney, 527.
Guyon, 276, 286.

Hadley, 201, 268.
Hale, 82.
Hamon, 367.
Happiness, 47-49, 79, 248, 279.
Harnack, 100.
Healthy-mindedness, Lectures IV and V, passim; its philosophy of evil, 131; compared with morbid-mindedness, 162, 488.
Heart, softening of, 267.
Hegel, 389, 449, 454.
Helmont, Van, 497.
Heroism, 364, 488, note.
Heterogeneous personality, 169, 193.
Higher criticism, 4.
Hilty, 79, 275, 472.
Hodgson, R., 524.
Homer, 86.
Hugo, 171.
Hypocrisy, 338.
Hypothesis, what make a useful one, 517.
Hyslop, 524.

Ignatius Loyola, 313, 406, 410.
Illness, 113.
'Imitation of Christ,' the, 44.
Immortality, 524.
Impulses, 261.
Individuality, 501.
Inhibitions, 261 ff.
Insane melancholy and religion, 144.
Insanity and genius, 16; and happiness, 279.
Institutional religion, 335.
Intellect a secondary force in religion, 431, 514.
Intellectual weakness of some saints, 370.
Intolerance, 342.
Irascibility, 264.

Jesus, Harnack on, 100.
Job, 76, 448.
John, Saint, of the Cross, 304, 407, 413.
Johnston, 258.
Jonquil, 476.
Jordan, 347.
Jouffroy, 176, 198.
Judgments, existential and spiritual, 4.

Kant, 54, 448.
Karma, 522.
Kellner, 401.
Kindliness, see Charity.
Kingsley, 385.

Lagneau, 285.
Leaders, see Religious leaders.
Leaders, of tribes, 371.
Lejeune, 113, 312.
Lessing, 318.
Leuba, 201, 203, 220, 246, 506.
Life, its significance, 151.
Life, the subconscious, 207, 209.
Locker-Lampson, 39.
Logic, Hegelian, 449.
Louis, Saint, of Gonzaga, 350.
Love, see Charity.
Love, cases of falling out of, 179.
Love of God, 276.
Love your enemies, 278, 283.
Lowell, 65.
Loyalty, to God, 342.
Lutfullah, 164.
Luther, 128, 137, 244, 330, 348, 382.
Lutheran self-despair, 108, 211.
Luxury, 365.
Lycaon, 86.
Lyre, 267.

Mahomet, 171. See Mohammed.
Marcus Aurelius, 42, 44, 474.
Margaret Mary, see Alacoque.
Margin of consciousness, 232.
Marshall, 503.
Martineau, 475.
Mather, 303.
Maudsley, 19.
Meaning of life, 151.
Medical criticism of religion, 413.