Page:The varieties of religious experience, a study in human nature.djvu/550

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Subliminal, see Subconscious.
Sufis, 402, 420.
Suggestion, 112, 234.
Suicide, 147.
Supernaturalism its two kinds, 520; criticism of universalistic, 521.
Supernatural world, 518.
Surrender, salvation by, 110, 208, 211.
Survival-theory of religion, 490, 498, 500.
Suso, 306, 349.
Swinburne, 421.
Symonds, 385, 390.
Sympathetic magic, 496.
Sympathy, see Charity.
Systems, philosophic, 433.

Taine, 9.
Taylor, 246.
Tenderness, see Charity.
Tennyson, 383, 384.
Teresa, Saint, 20, 346, 360, 408, 411, 412, 414.
Theologia Germanica, 43.
Theologians, systematic, 446.
'Theopathy,' 343.
Thoreau, 275.
Threshold, 135.
Tiger, 164, 262.
Tobacco, 270, 290.
Tolstoy, 149, 178, 184.
Towianski, 281.
Tragedy of life, 363.
Tranquillity, 285.
Transcendentalism criticised, 522.
Transcendentalists, 516.
Trevor, 396.
Trine, 101, 394.
Truth of religion, how to be tested, 377; what it is, 509; mystical perception of, 380, 410.
'Twice-born,' type, 166, 363, 488.
Tyndall, 299.

'Unconscious cerebration,' 207.
Unification of Self, 183, 349.
'Union morale,' 272.
Union with God, 408, 418, 425, 451, 509 ff. See lectures on Conversion, passim.
Unity of universe, 131.
Unreality, sense of, 63.
Unseen realities, Lecture III, passim.
Upanishads, 419.
Upham, 289.
Utopias, 360.

Vacherot, 502.
Value of spiritual affections, how tested, 18.
Vambéry, 341.
Vedantism, 400, 419, 513, 522.
Veracity, 7, 291 ff.
Vivekananda, 513.
Voltaire, 38.
Voysey, 275.

War, 365-367.
Wealth-worship, 365.
Weaver, 281.
Wesley, 227.
Wesleyan self-despair, 108, 211.
Whitefield, 318.
Whitman, 84, 395, 396, 506.
Wolff, 492, 493.
Wood, Henry, 96, 99, 117.
World, soul of the, 449.
Worry, 98, 181.

Yes-function, 261-263, 299, 387.
Yoga, 400.
Young, 256.