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taken prisoner by the French, had escaped from France to the United States and drifted to Springfield, where he got employment in a machine shop. "I have always wondered," says the Chief, "from whom the War Department received the first information regarding August X——, and wonder if again we have a case of cherchez la femme."


This state is not one of the largest in the Union, and its report is not one of the largest in the world, but it foreshadows a very satisfactory state of affairs, both past and future.

Mr. Robert Pennington was State Inspector for Delaware. He worked by means of three county associates and a full set of captains, one for each representative district of the State. A great deal of routine work was handled, much of which had to do with applications for commissions, overseas service, etc., as well as a certain number of sedition and disloyalty cases. Some Red Cross rumors were run down, and at least one important investigation was made of a man who was putting out machinery better adapted for mixing explosives than for grinding alleged dental powder. These machines were to be shipped to Switzerland to a point near the German border. Some draft evaders, deserters and slackers were rounded up duly. Many investigations were made by the various chiefs and reported direct to Washington. The State Inspector had almost daily requests from the Department of Justice in Washington in the matter of draft deserters.


Providence, R. I., had a good active organization of 275 members, all loyal and hard-working Americans. They did yeoman service in assisting the local branch of the Department of Justice, whose offices were so crowded with work at times that the help of the League was sorely needed.

The A. P. L. in Wakefield, R. I., was small but busy, like all the rest of that great little State. Much of the League's activity in this district had to do with covering the rough