Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/105

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the daylight with the Czarina an arm's length behind.

Eiseeyou had just presence of mind enough left to spring to one side and give his companions a chance to shoot. But as he sprang, his foot caught in a crevice and he went full length on the ground. At the same instant two shots rang out from his companions' rifles.

The great bear turned upon them with a thunderous snarl, but fortunately for Eiseeyou, they stood their ground and gave her two more bullets, one in the head and the other near the heart.

She struck out at them savagely, then reeled and fell upon the ground almost over the prostrate Eiseeyou.

That mighty hunter extricated his foot from the crevice with all alacrity and got to a safe distance as the white Czarina struggled. Two more shots finished her, and the second white bear robe was assured for Eskimo Town.

After making sure that the great bear was dead, the three hunters lighted some