Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/118

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and the wild geese nested on islands further north, and all the best cod fishing grounds were there also.

So the Eskimo followed the walrus, the seals, and the icefloe along the rather bleak coast of Eskimo Land.

Little Oumauk and Whitie trudged after Eiseeyou's komatik. Oumauk was much excited about the trip, for he saw many new things. His father pointed out to him all the interesting sights, and told him the names of the birds that they saw. Finally after about ten days, they arrived in sight of Eskimo Village.

It was on the side of a gently sloping hill, with a fine view of the sea. As soon as the komatiks halted, the dogs were let loose, and the men set up the cloth tents in which they would live during the summer.

It was surprising how rapidly pale flowers and grass sprang into being, under the rays of the eighteen hours a day sunlight. When they came to the season of continuous day in July and August, then these plants would grow even more rapidly.

As soon as the summer quarters were put