Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/164

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up an intense listening. Icebergs are often detected by sound, and also by a chilliness in the air. But no such sign was observed.

Suddenly, without the slightest warning, the ship experienced a shock that shook her from stem to stern. She quivered and shuddered, and then there was a grinding, grating sound along her side. Then she seemed to sheer off from the berg and continue on her way. She had been going at half speed, and the engineer immediately stopped his engine in order to take an inventory of damages. But old Neptune almost immediately informed them, as the water began flowing freely into the small engine room. Every one in the cabin reached for as many clothes as he could get in both hands, without taking too much time, and started for the deck.

Eiseeyou caught little Oumauk in his arms and hurried with him after the white men.

On deck all was excitement. The crew were already preparing to lower the motor boat. Luckily it was a large one and could easily accommodate the dozen men of the