Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/171

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Finally a grey streak appeared in the east and they hailed it with joy. Eagerly the eyes of the little party watched the grey streak widen and take on color, until finally the golden rim of the sun came up out of the sea and it was daylight. Then to their great joy they discovered a three masted gasoline-driven fishing vessel coming towards them. She had evidently not seen them, so they at once set their signal of distress. Soon she answered and in twenty minutes was alongside.

"Ship Ahoy!" called a nasal voice from the fishing vessel, as soon as they came in hailing distance of the motor boat. "What shall I do for you? Haul you aboard?"

"Ay, ay, that's just what we are looking for. But perhaps you had better take some of our passengers off first. We are pretty heavily loaded and have shipped a lot of water."

So The Three Bells, from Marble Head, owned and handled by Silas Perkins, Esq., manœuvered until she was in position and then threw the motor boat a line. Finally she was made fast to the schooner and her