Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/189

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and I know who did it too. I doubt very much if we ever see him again alive. He will turn up in the province of Quebec sooner or later, then there will be a great bear hunt and he will be shot."

Then seeing the terrified look upon Oumauk's face he hurried to add, "Perhaps he will escape though. He was a clever bear. They will often make their way through thickly settled country without being seen. The province of Quebec is not very thickly settled to the north. Perhaps he will escape."

"I know he will," said Eiseeyou, more to console Oumauk than because he really believed so. Like the superintendent of the park, he also believed that the White Czar would fall before some rifle bullet before he had travelled far in this strange country, even if he had gotten safely out of the city.

"It is strange," said the superintendent, patting Oumauk on the shoulder, "that no one saw him here in the city. But it is only a short distance to the river, down three streets and then along the broad street