Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/201

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Then the White Czar remembered that he was ravenously hungry.

He had come a hundred and twenty miles without food. So he crept cautiously forward. Then a score of small white animals jumped up almost in front of him and began running wildly about.

The sound they made was like the bleating of the seal pups.

At the thought of seal pups the White Czar's mouth fairly watered.

He had never even heard of sheep, but these small white creatures looked and smelled good. So he made after them.

In a few seconds he was along side a large ewe, for the Czar had surprised a flock of Canadian sheep. One blow from the great bear's paw broke the sheep's back. The mighty hunter soon dispatched it and then, seizing the dead sheep in his powerful jaws made for the deep woods. That day he alternately slept and feasted upon mutton. This was the first of many good meals that he made from sheep.

Two days later, at twilight, just as he was starting for his long night gallop, he sur-