Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/205

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feasted upon it. After that he often fished himself in the streams which ran into the sea.

The White Czar always travelled about ten miles inland. He did not want to follow the sea coast, for he had discovered that men lived along the coast. He would keep as far away from them as he could and still keep in touch with the sea.

Then this wonderful country abounded in strange berries which were delicious to the taste. This was another thing that the white bear learned of his black cousin. There were also many roots which were good eating. Altogether it was a wonderful country through which the White Czar fled. But it was not his country. His home was by the wild Arctic sea, upon the icefloe, amid the ice and snow. This country was too tame, too warm, too comfortable.

He wanted something more boisterous, more difficult, something against which he might pit his great strength.

Finally after about a month he came to a good-sized stream where there were several beaver dams. He had also seen many cari-