Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/48

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shading his eyes with his hand and looking intently to the north west. Finally he motioned them to come forward. When the two other komatiks were alongside, Eiseeyou informed his companions that he had discovered Omingmong—only two head feeding half a mile away but there were probably more near by. He would go to the top of the hill and reconnoiter while the others minded the dog teams.

It seemed to his companions that Eiseeyou would never return. They had travelled so far and endured so much hardship to reach Omingmong that they were eager to get at him.

Finally Eiseeyou returned his face wreathed with smiles.

He had discovered the entire herd, a dozen strong. They were not over three quarters of a mile away.

So the excited hunting party got out their rifles and made ready while Eiseeyou led the way with his fleet dog team.

They proceeded by stealth as far as possible but finally they came out in the open and the herd sighted them and were off.