Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/54

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igloo. After that he kept his face resolutely looking upward towards the fleeing omingmongs.

Finally at the top of the mountain with their shaggy backs to a cliff the musk ox herd came to bay.

Many hard battles with the white wolves had taught both the musk ox and the reindeer herds that their only safety when brought to bay in this manner was in presenting a solid front of horns to the enemy. If it had been merely a question of the yelping snapping Eskimo dogs, they would have beaten them off easily.

This was plainly evidenced by the fact that when Eiseeyou arrived on the scene one of the younger dogs who had never seen Omingmong before had paid the price of too much valor with his life. He lay in the snow beneath the hoofs of a mighty bull gored to death, while another limped towards Eiseeyou fatally wounded.

Eiseeyou did not at once begin firing into the herd. They were all bunched against the wall and the dogs held them safely so he waited for Tukshu and Tunkine, The Es-