Page:The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld volume 2.djvu/481

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WORKS PUBLISHED BY Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, mid Green. MEMOIRS of the COURT of QUEEN ELIZABETH. By LUCY AIKIN. In 2 Vols. 8vo, with a Portrait, from the rare Print by CRISPIN DE PASSE, the. 5th Edit. II. 5s. Bds. MEMOIRS of the COURT of KING JAMES the FIRST. By LUCY AIKIN. In 2 Vols. 8vo, 3d Edit. 1 1. 4s. SELECT WORKS of the BRITISH POETS 5 with Biogra phical and Critical Prefaces. By Dr. AIKIN* In 1 Vol. 8vo, 185. Bds. Also in 10 Vols. royal 18mo, to match the British Essayists and Novelists, 31. ; and in 10 Vols. post 18mo, 2L The object of this Work, which is entirely new, is to comprise, within a moderate compass, a Chronological Series of our Classical Poets, from Ben Jonson to Beattie, without mutilation or abridgement, with Biogra phical and Critical Notices. The contents of these Volumes are so com prehensive, that few poems, it is believed, are omitted, except such as are of secondary merit, or unsuited to the perusal of youth. The work, within these bounds, may be termed a " Library of Classical English Poetry," and may safely be recommended to the Heads of Schools in ge neral, and to the Libraries of Young Persons. A new Edition of Dr. AIKIN'S ANNALS of the REIGN of GEORGE the THIRD, brought down to the Period of his Ma jesty's Decease, is just published, in 2 Vols. 8vo, II. 5s. Bds. THE ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY and OBITUARY, for the year 1825. Containing Memoirs of celebrated Persons who died in 1823-24. 8vo. 155. Bds. CONTENTS : Memoirs of Charles Grant, Esq. ; Lord Ers- kine j Sir Edward Bullerj Mr. Belzoni ; Wilson Lowry, Esq. ; Rev. Thomas Rennell j the Marquis of Titchfield ; Mrs. Sophia Lee j Joseph Marryatt, Esq. } Major Cartwright ; Capel Lofft, Esq. ; Admiral Russell Rev. Thomas Maurice ; Thomas Ed ward Bowdich, Esq. j William Sharp, Esq. 5 Major- General Macquarrie ; Lord Byron 5 Mrs. Thicknesse j Sir John Orde j Rev. J. J. Conybeare j Baron Maseres j and a general Biogra phical Index. The preceding Eight Volumes, price 15s. each.