Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/101

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Submilfion and Reliance.



��July Sth, 1656.

��T had a fore fitt of fainting, which lafted 2 or 3 dayes, ■^ but not in that extremity which at hrft it took me, and fo mvch the forer it was to me becaufe m}^ dear hufband was from home (who is my cheifelt comforter on Earth) ; but my God, who never failed me, was not abfent, but helped me, and gratioufly manifefted his Love to me, which I dare not paffe by without Remembrance, that it may bee a fupport to me when I fliall haue occafion to read this hereafter, and to others that fhall read it when I fhall polTelfe that I now hope for, that fo they may bee encourag to truft in him who is the only Portion of his Ser- vants.

O Lord, let me neuer forgett thy Goodnes, nor quefbion thy faithfullnes to me, for thov art my God : Thou haft faid, and fliall not I beleiue it?

Thou haft given me a pledge of that Inheritance thou haft promifed to beftow upon me. O, never let Satan prevail againft me, but ftrenghten my faith in Thee, 'till I fliall attain the end of my hopes, even the Salva- tion of my Soul. Come, Lord Jefus; come quickly.

WHAT God is like to him I ferve, What Saviour like to mine? O, never let me from thee fwerue.

For truly I am thine. 3

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