Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/110

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26 Anne Bradjlreet s Works.

thankfullnes not only in word, but in Deed, that my Converfation may fpeak that thy vowes are vpon me.

��1Y yr Y thankfull heart with glorying Tongue ^^ ^ Shall celebrate thy Name, Who hath reftor'd, redeem'd, recur'd From licknes, death, and Pain.

I cry'd thov feem'ft to make fome flay,

I fovght more earneftly; And in due time thou fuccour'ft me.

And fenfft me help from High.

Lord, whilft my fleeting time fliall lall.

Thy Goodnes let me Tell. And new Experience I haue gain'd.

My future Doubts repell.

An humble, faitefull life, O Lord,

For ever let me walk; Let my obedience teftefye.

My Praife lyes not in Talk.

Accept, O Lord, my fimple mite.

For more I cannot giue; What thou beftow'ft I fhall refl;ore.

For of thine Almes I Hue.

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