Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/125

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O/i the Burning of her Houfe. 41

When by the Ruines oft I pall, My forrowing eyes alide did caft, And here and there the places Ipye Where oft I fate, and long did lye.

Here flood that Trunk, and there that cheft; There lay that llore I covnted beft: My pleafant things in afhes lye. And them behold no more fhall I. Vnder thy roof no gveft fhall fitt, Nor at thy Table eat a bitt.

No pleafant tale fliall 'ere be told,

Nor things recovnted done of old.

No Candle 'ere fhall fhine in Thee,

Nor bridegroom's voice ere heard fhall bee.

In lilence ever fhalt thou lye;

Adeiu, Adeiu; All's vanity.

Then ftreight I *gin ni}^ heart to chide, And did thy wealth on earth abide ? Didft fix thy hope on mouldring dvft. The arm of flefii didft make thy trvft? Raife vp thy thovghts above the fkye That dunghill mifts away may flie.

Thou haft an houfe on high ere6l, Fram'd by that mighty Archite6l,


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