Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/152

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66 Anne Bradjirccf s Works.

cature, that there is no appeale from it, — no, not to the Court of heaven itfelf, — for if our confcience con- demn vs, he, ahb, who is greater then our confcience, will do it much more; but he that would haue bold- nes to go to the throne of grace to be accepted there, muft be fure to carry a certificate from the Court of confcience, that he ftands right there.


T TE that would keep a pure heart, and lead a -^ -*- blamlelfe life, mud fet himfelf alway in the awefull prefence of God, the confideration of his all- feeing eye will be a bridle to reftrain from evill, and a fpur to quicken on to good dutys: we certainly dream of fome remotnes betwixt God and vs, or elfe we fhould not fo often faile in our whole Courfe of life as we doe; but he, that with David, fets the Lord alway in his fight, will not finne againft him.


"l"! 7E fee in orchards fome trees foe fruitfull, that ' ' the waight of their Burden is the breaking of their limbes; fome again are but meanly loaden; and fome haue nothing to fhew but leaues only; and fome among them are dr}- flocks: fo is it in the church, which is Gods orchard, there are fome eminent Chrif- tians that are foe frequent in good dutys, that many times the waight therof impares both their bodys and eftates; and there are fome (and they lincere ones

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