Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/184

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98 Anne Bradjl reefs Works.

I bring my four times four, now meanly clad

To do their homage, unto 370urs, fulP glad:

Who for their Age, their worth and quality

Might feem of yours to claim precedency:

But by my humble hand, thus rudel}^ pen'd

They are, your bounden handmaids to attend

Thefe fame are they, from whom we being have [2]

Thefe are of all, the Life, the Nurfe, the Grave,

Thefe are the hot, the cold, the moift, the dry.

That fink, that fwim, that fill, that upwards fly.

Of thefe confifts our bodies, Cloathes and Food,

The Woi'ld, the ufeful, hurtful, and the good.

Sweet harmony they keep, yet jar oft times

Their difcord doth appear, by thefe harfii rimes

Yours did conteft for wealth, for Arts, for Age,

My firft; do fiiew their good, and then their rage.

My other foures '^ do intermixed tell

Each others faults, and where themfelves excell;

How hot and dry contend with moift; and cold.

How Air and Earth no correfpondence hold.

And yet in equal tempers, how they 'gree

How divers natures make one Unity

Something of all (though mean) I did intend

But fear'd you'ld judge Dtt^ Barias was my friend

I honour him, but dare not wear his wealth

My goods are true (though poor) I love no ftealth

« my four; and four. l> mod. c maj.

d four. e one.

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