Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/255

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The Four Sea fans. 169

Three months (quoth fhe)" are 'lotted to my fhare

March^ April, 3Iay of all the reft moft fair.

Tenth of the firft, Sol into Aries enters.

And bids defiance to all tedious winters.

Crofleth the Line, and equals night and day,

(Stil adds to th' laft til after pleafant Ma)')

And now makes glad the darkned northern wi^^hts

Who for fome months have feen but ftaiTV lights.

Now goes the Plow-man to his merry toyle,

He might'" unloofe his winter locked foyl:

The Seeds-man too, doth lavifti out his grain.

In hope the more he cafts, the more to gain:

The Gardner now fuperfluous branches lops, [60]

And poles ere6ts for his young ' clambring hops.

Now digs then fowes his herbs, his flowers & roots

And carefully manures his trees of fruits.

The Pleiades their influence now give.

And all that feem'd as dead afrefh doth live.

The croaking frogs, whom nipping winter kikd

Like birds now chirp, and hop about the field,

The Nightingale, the black-bird and the Thrufli

Now tune their layes, on fprayes of every bufli.

The wanton frisking Kid, and foft-fleec'd Lambs

Do' lump and play before their feeding Dams,

The tender tops of budding grafs they crop.

The}" joy in what they have, but more in hope.*

" there are. '" thofe blinded. «' For to.

-I" green. y Now.


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