Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/260

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T74 Anne B radji reef s Works.

Viewing the Sun by day, the Moon by night

Endimions^ Dianaes clear delight.

Upon the grafs refting your healthy limbs.

By purling Brooks looking how fifhes fwims.

If pride within your lowly Cells ere haunt.

Of him that was Shepherd then King go vaunt.*

This moneth the Rofes are diltil'd in glalTes,

VVhofe fragrant fmeP" all made perfumes furpalfes

The Cherry, Goofeberry are now in th' prime,

And for all forts of Peafe, this is the time.

yuly my next, the hott'ft in all the year.

The fun through Leo now takes'^ his Career,

VVhofe flaming breath doth melt us from afar,

Increafed by the ftar Canicular.

This Month from yulius Cce/ar took its name.

By Romans celebrated to his fame.

Now go the Mowers to their flafliing toyle.

The Meadowes of their riches-^ to difpoyle,

reported) that marching with his great armie againft Tamerlane, and by the way hearing a country iTiepheard merrily repoling himfelf with his homely pipe, as he fat vpon the fide of a mountaine feeding his poore flock; (landing ftill a great while lifliening vnto him, to the great admira- tion of many, at laft fetching a deepe figh, brake forth in thefe words : O happie Ihepheard, which haddeft neither Orthobules nor Sebastia to loofe : bewraying therein his owne difcontentment, and yet withal fhewing, That worldly blifle confifteth not fo much in poflefling of much, fubjedt vnto danger, as joying a little contentment deuoid of feare." — The Generall HiSTORiE OF THE TuRKES, BY RicHARD Knolles. Sccoud edition. 1610. p. 216. Bajazet I. became vSultan of the Turks in 1389. and died in 1403.

  • This and the three preceding lines are not in the first edition.

Tc fcent. -f huth. y Inirdcn.

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