Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/287

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The Four Monarchies. 201

Of coftly fhips and Gallyes fhe had ftore,

And Mariners to handle fail and oar:

But the Chaldeans had nor fhips nor skill,

Their fhoulders muft their Mafters mind fulfill,

Fetcht rubbifh from the oppofite old town,

And in the channel threw each burden down;

Where after many effayes, they made at laft

The fea firm land, whereon the Army paft.

And took the wealthy town; but all the gain,

Requited not the lofs,^ the toyle and pain.

Full thirteen years in this ftrange work he fpent

Before he could accomplifh his intent:

And though a Vi6lor home his Army leads,

With peeled fhoulders, and with balded heads.*

When in the Tyrian war this King was hot,

yehojakim his oath had clean forgot.

Thinks this the fitteft time to break his bands

Whileft Babels King thus deep engaged ftands :

But he whofe fortunes all were in the ebbe,^

Had ail his hopes like to a fpiders web;

For this great King withdraws part of his force,

To Jiidah marches with a fpeedy com-fe.

And unexpected finds the feeble Prince [86]

Whom he chaflis'd thus for his proud ofl:ence,

Fafh bound, intends to Babel him to fend,

But changed his mind, & caus'd his life there end,*

y coft. 2 But he (alas) whofe fortunes now i' the ebbe.

1 intends at Babel he fhal ftay. * and flew him by the way.

  • Ezek. xxix. iS.


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