Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/302

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2i6 Anne Brad ft reefs Works.

��The inter regniini behveen Cambyfes And Darius Hijiafpes,

/^"^HILDLESS Cambyfes on the ludden dead,

^^ (The Princes meet, to chufe one in his ftead,

Of which the chief was"^ feven, call'd Satrapes,

Who Hke to Kings, rul'd Kingdomes as they pleafe,

Defcended all of Achemenes bloud,

And Kinfmen in account to th' King the}^ ftood.

And firft thefe noble Magi 'gree upon.

To thruft th' impofter Smerdis out of Throne:

Then^ Forces inftantly they raife, and rout

This King with his Confpirators lb ftout,^

But yet 'fore this was done much bloud was fhed,

And two of thefe great Peers in Field" lay dead.

Some write that forely hurt they fcap'd away,

But fo, or no, lure 'tis they won the day.

All things in peace, and Rebels throughly quell'd,

A Confultation by thofe States was held.

What form of government now to ere6l

The old, or new, which beft, in what refpe6l.

The greater part declined a Monarchy [98]

So late crufht by their Princes tyranny,

��J" were. y Their.

3 After this, the first edition lias, —

Who little pleafure had, in his Ihort reigne, And now with his accompljces Ije flaine.

« place.

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