Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/307

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The Four Monarchies. 221

(Quoth he) like frogs in water we muft dive,

Or like to mice under the earth mull live,

Or fly like birds in unknown wayes full quick.

Or Scythian arrows in our lides muft ftick.

The King feeing his men and vi6luals fpent,

This fruitlefs war began late to repent,

Return'd with little honour, and lefs gain.

His enemies fcarce feen, then much lefs llain.

He after this intends Greece to invade.

But troubles in lefs AJia him ftaid.

Which hulht, he llraight fo orders his aflairs.

For Attaca an army he prepares;

But as before, fo now with ill fuccefs

Return'd with wondrous lofs, and honourlefs.

Athens perceiving now their defperate ftate

Arm'd all they could, which eleven thoufand made

By brave Miltiades their chief being led :

Darius multitudes before them fled.

At Marathon this bloudy field was fought,

Where Grecians prov'd themfelves right fouldiers ftout

The Perjians to their gallics poft with fpeed

Where an Athenian fliew'd a valiant deed,

Purfues his flying foes then on the fand,'"

He ftayes a lanching" gaily with his hand.

Which foon cut oft', inrag'd,* he with his left, [102]

Renews his hold, and when of that bereft,

'« itrand. « hmding.

  • " inrag'd " not in the first edition.

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