Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/316

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230 Anne Bradjlreet^s Works.

And of thole Greeks which by his Skill he'd won,

He lifty thoufand joyns unto his own:

The other Greeks which were Confederate

In all one hundred and ten thoufand made/

The Athenians could but forty thoufand Arme,

The reft had weapons would do little harm;

But that which helpt defeats, and made them bold, [109]

Was vi6fory by Oracle foretold.

Then for one battel fiiortl}' all provide,

Where both their Controverlies they'l decide;*

Ten dayes thefe Armyes did each other face,

Mardonius finding victuals waft apace,

No longer dar'd, but bravely^ on-fet gave.

The other not a hand nor Sword would wave.

Till in the Intrails of their Sacrifice

The fignal of their vi6tory did rile.

Which found like Greeks they fight, the Perjians fly.

And troubleforae Mardonius now muft dye.

All's loft, and of three hundred thoufand men.

Three thoufand only can '" run home agen.

��j One hundred thoufand, and ten thoufand make.

k Instead of this and the five preceding lines, the first edition has, The Beotian Fields, of war, the feats, Where both fides exercis'd their manly feats ; But all their controverfies to decide, For one maine Battell Ihortlj, both provide ; The Athenians could but forty thoufand arme, For other Weapons, they had none would harme ; But that which helpt defedls, and made them bold. Was Vic^tory, by Oracle fore-told :

• I fiercely. '« fcapes, for to.

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