Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/334

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248 Anne Bradjlreefs Works.

��A rfa m es or A rfes^ [123]

A RSAMES plac'd now in his fathers fhead, •^ ^ * By him that late his father murthered. Some write that Arfames was Ochiis brother, Inthron'd by Bagoas in the room of th' other; But why his brother Tore his fon fucceeds I can no reafon give, 'caufe none I read. His brother, as tis faid, long fince was flain, And fcarce a Nephew left that now might reign : What afts he did time hath not now left pen'd, But moft fuppofe in him did Cynis end, Whofe race long time had worne the diadem, But now's divolved to another flem. Three years he reign'd, then drank of 's fathers cup By the fame Eunuch who firft let him up."

^' ArJ'ames, or Arfes.

TT Tlly Arjames his brother fhould fucceed,

I can no reafon give, caufe none I read ; It may be thought, furely he had no Son, So fell to him, which elfe it had not done : What Adts he did, time hath not now left pend, But as 'tis thought, in him had Cyrus end : Whofe race long time had worn the Diadem, But now's divolved. to another Stem. Three years he reign'd, as Chronicles exprefle, 'J'hen Natures debt he paid, quite HTue-lefTe.

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