Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/359

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The Four Monarchies. 273

And thus unwifely in a mading^ fume,

The wealth of many Kingdomes did " confume,

But marvell 'tis that without mutiny,

The Souldiers fhould let pafs this injury;

Nor wonder lefs to Readers may it bring,

Here to obferve the rafhnefs of the King.

Now with his Army doth he poft away [^45]

Falfe Bejfus to find out in Ba6iria :

But much * diftreft for water in their march,

The drought and heat their bodies fore did " parch.

At length they came to th' river Oxus brink.

Where fo ^ immoderatel} thefe thirfty drink.

Which ^ more mortality to them did bring,

Then all their^ warrs againft the Perjian King.

Here AIexander\ almoft at a fland.

To pafs the River \.o^ the other land.

For boats here's none, nor near it any wood,

To make them Rafts to waft them o're the flood:

But he that was refolved in his mind.

Would without means fome tranfportation find.

Then from the ' Carriages the hides he takes.

And fluffing them with fl;raw, he bundles makes.

On thefe together ti'd, in fix dayes fpace.

They all pafs over to the other place.

y one raging. 2 Cities doth. '^ haft. ^ fore.

c much doth. d moft. « This. / did their.

g How to paffe over, and gaine.

h Would bj fome means a. ' So from his.


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