Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/361

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The Four Mona7'chies. 275

The Ba6iria7is againft him now rebel;

But he their ftubbornefs in time " doth quell.

From hence he to Jaxartis River goes,

Where Scythians rude his army^ doth oppofe,

And with their outcryes in an hideous fort

Befet his camp, or military court,

Of darts and arrows, made fo little fpare,

They flew fo thick, they feem'd to dark the air:

But foon his fouldiers ^ forc'd them to a flight,

Their nakednefs could not endure their might.

Upon this rivers bank in feventeen dayes

A goodly City doth compleatly raife,

Which Alexafidria he doth likewife ' name,

And lixty furlongs could but ' round the fame.

A" third Supply Antipater now fent, [^47]

Which did his former forces" much augment;

And being one hundred twenty thoufand fl;rong;

He enters then the Indian Kings among:

Thofe that fubmit, he gives them rule again,"'

Such as do not, both them and theirs are flain.

His warrs with fundry nations I'le omit.

And alfo of the Mallians what is writ.

His Fights, his dangers, and the hurts he had,

How to fubmit their necks at lafl; they're glad."^

o full foone. P valour. 9 the Grecians. ^ Whofe.

J alfo. t not. « His. v Army. «< he doth reftore again.

X Instead of this and the three preceding lines, the first edition has, —

To age, nor fex, no pitty doth expreffe.

But all fall by his fword, moft mercileffe.

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