Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/365

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The Four Monarchies. 279

His fourth and laft fupply was hither fent, \j-S^~\

Then down^ Hydaspes with his Fleet he went;

Some time he after fpent upon that fhore,

Whether Ambaffadors, ninety or more/'

Came with fubmillion from the Indian Kings,

Bringing their prefents rare, and precious things,

Thefe all he feafts in ftate on beds of gold.

His Furniture moft fumptuous to behold;

His meat & drink, attendants, every thing.

To th' utmofl fhew'd the glory of a King.

With rich rewards he fent them home again.

Acknowledged their Mafters fovereign;

Then failing South, and coming to that fhore,

Thofe obfcure Nations yielded as before :

A City here he built, call'd by his Name,

Which could not found too oft with too much fame

Then failing by the ^ mouth of Indus floud.

His Gallyes ftuck upon the flats '" and mud;

Which the ftout Macedonimts amazed fore,

Depriv'd at once the ufe of Sail and Oar:

Obferving well the nature of the Tide,

In thofe their fears " they did not long abide.

Pafllng fair Indus mouth his courfe he fteer'd

To th' coaft which by Euphrates mouth appear'd ;

Whofe inlets near unto, he winter fpent.

Unto his Itarved Souldiers fmall content,

y down t'. -^ Where one hundred Embaffadours, or more,

I Hence fayling down by th'. »« fand. « Upon thofe Flats.

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