Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/372

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286 Anne BradJlreeVs Works.

What e're he did, or thought not fo content,

His meffenger to yiipitcr he fent,

That b}'^ his leave his friend Ephejiion^

Among the Demy Gods they might inthrone/

From Media to Babylon he went,

To meet him there t' Antipater he'd lent.

That he might a6l allb'" upon the Stage,

And in a Tragedy there end his age.

The Qiieen Olimpias bears him deadly hate.

Not fuffering her to meddle with the State,

And by her Letters did her Son incite,

This great indignity he ITiould'^ requite;

His doing fo, no whit difpleaf 'd the King,

Though to his Mother he difprov'd the thing.

But now Antipater had liv'd fo long.

He might well dye though he had done no wrong;

His fervice great is fuddenly forgot,

Or if remembred, yet regarded not:

The King doth intimate "'twas his intent.

His honours and his riches to augment;

Of larcjer Provinces the rule to o-ive,

And for his Counfel near the King to live.

So to be caught, A7itipaters too wife,

Parmenio's death's too frefh before his eyes;

He was too fubtil for his crafty foe. [^57]

Nor by his baits could be infnared fo:

But his excufe with humble thanks he fends,

Flis Age and journy long he then pretends; Z'

o This and the nine preceding lines are not in the first edition. / might next now a(it- 9 for to.

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