Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/381

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The Four Monarchies. 295

Brave Ptolemy^ to make a fourth then fent

To fave himlelf from danger imminent.

In midft of thefe garboyles, with wondrous ftate

His mafters funeral doth celebrate;

In Alexandria his tomb he plac'd,

Which eating time hath fcarcely yet defac'd/

Two years and more, lince natures debt he paid,

And yet till now at quiet was not laid.

Great love did Ptolemy by this a6l gain.

And made the fouldiers on his lide remain.

Perdiccas hears his foes are all" combined,

'Gainft which to goe, is not refolv'd in mind."

But firft 'gainft Ptolemy he judg'd was beft,*^

Neer'ft unto him, and fartheft from the reft,

Leaves Etwzenes the Afian Coaft to free

From the invalions of the other three,

And with his army unto " Egypt goes

Brave Ptolemy to th' utmoft to oppofe.

Perdiccas furly cariage, and his pride

Did alinate the fouldiers from his lide.

But Ptolemy by affability

His fweet demeanour and his courtefie.

Did make his own, firm to his caufe remain.

And from the other lide did dayly gain.

■»" dangers eminent ;

y At Alexandria^ in yEgypt Land,

His fumptuous monument long time did Hand ;

2 now, "^ is troubled in his minde ;

b With Ptolomy for to begin was beft. c into.

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