Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/415

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An Apology. 329

The fubjeft large my mind and body weak, With many moe difcouragements did fpeak. All thoughts of further progrefs laid afide, Though oft perfwaded, I as oft deny'd, At length refolv'd, when many years had paft, To profecute my ftory to the laft; And for the fame, I hours not few did fpend, And weary lines (though lanke) I many pen'd: But 'fore I could accomplifh my defire. My papers fell a prey to th' raging fire.^ And thus my pains (with better things) I loft. Which none had caufe to wail, nor I to boaft. No more Fie do lith I have fuffer'd wrack, Although my Monarchies their legs do lack: Nor matter is't this laft, the world now fees. Hath many Ages been upon his knees.

  • See page 40.

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