Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/519

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��Troj, 107, 142, 18S, 253, 348.

Tudor, 3^:^.

Tullius, Servius, 327.

Tullus Hostilius, 32t;-6.

Tully, 411.

Turkey, 342.

Twiss, Rev. Wm., D.D., 89 «.

Tyburn, 341.

Tygris, 191.

Tyng, Edward, his daughter marries Joseph Dudley, liii «.

Tyng. Mercy, wife of Samuel Brad- street, Ixvii «., 407-8.

T\ ng, Rebecca, marries Joseph Dud- ley, liii «.

Tyng. William, 407 ;/. His daughter marries Samuel Bradstreet. Ixvii ;/.

Tyre, 200, 25S-9.

Tyrone, Earl of suppression of his rebellion in Ireland, 360.


��Ulysses, xlix, 289.

Usher, Archbishop, xix, xx, 188. Mrs. Bradstreet's acquaintance with his "Annals of the World," xliii-iv.

Usher, Hezekiah, senior, 29 ;/.


��Valley of Baca, 21 and ;/., 23. Vanitv of all Worldly Things, Poem,

3S6::s, 363 «.

Vashti. 2;^;^.

Verses. May 13, 16^7, 22. Virgil, xliii, 199, 410, 411. \^oetius, Ixvi.


Wade. Major Nathaniel, marries Mercy Bradstreet. Ixvii «.

Ward, Mr. Geo. A., editor of Cur- wen's Journal and Letters, Ixxi, u.

Ward, Rev. Nathaniel, mention of, 85 ». Made Pastor of Church in Ipswich, XXXV. His Commenda- tory verses on Mrs. Bradstreet's Poems, xl-i, 85.

Ward. Major Samuel, marries Sarah Bradstreet, Ixvii ;/.

Warwick, the Countess of, Brad- street steward of. xxii.

Warwick, the Earl of, id.

��Water, xli, 1 14-18.

Watt's notice of the works of Hel- kiah Crooke, M.D.. 1 ;/.

Weakness and Sickness, After much, Aug. 28, 1656, 20. After sore. May II, 1657, 21.

Weakness and Painting, Sept. 30, 1657, 23.

Webster, John, xvi.

Wiggin, Andrew, marries Hannah Bradstreet, Ixvii ;/., 28 ».

Wiggin, Hannah, verses on her re- covery from a fever, 28.

Wight, Yarmouth on the Isle of, xxvii.

Williams, Bishop, xxiii.

William the Conqueror, 331.

Wilson, Rev. John, enters into church covenant, xxxi.

Winter, xli, 178-9.

Winthrop, Gov. John, xviii, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, xxxi, liii u., 35 «. Enters into church covenant, xxxi. Moves to Boston, xxxii. Moves to Cambridge, xxxiii. Returns to Boston, xxxiv. Alienation from Dudley, il>. Chosen Councillor for life, liv.

Winthrop, John, Jr., xxxvii. Begins a settlement at Agawam (Ips- wich), XXXV.

Winthrop, Mary, daughter of Gov. John, marries Samuel Dudley, liii n.

Witchcraft Delusion, Dudley Brad- street's connection with, Ixvii «.

Wither, George, xviii.

Women as writers of books, Ixii, 83-92.

Wood, Ann, marries Dudley Brad- street, Ixvii ».

Wood, William, his description of Cambridge, xxxiv.

Woodbridge, Rev. Benjamin, sketch of, 89 «. His commendatory verses upon Mrs. Bradstreet, xli, 89.

Woodbridge, Rev. John, 88 w., 89 «. Sketch of, xxxix. Marries Mercy Dudley, xxxix, liii »., 88. One of the first settlers at Andover, xxxvi. Buys the land on which the town was founded, xxxvii. Goes to England, 88 « , xxxix. Concerned in publishing Mrs. Bradstreet's poems, xl. His commendation of Mrs. Bradstreet and her poems, xl. His Poetical Address to her, 86-8. His Address to the Reader,



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