Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/87

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To my Dear Children.

��This Book by Any yet vnread, I leaue for yov when I am dead, That, being gone, here yov may find What was your liueing mother's mind. Make vie of what I leaue in Loue And God fhall blelTe yov from above.

A. B.

My dear Children, —

KNOWING by experience that the ex- hortations of parents take moll effect when the speakers leaue to fpeak, and

  • thofe efpeciall}^ link deepelt which are

fpoke lateft — and being ignorant whether on my death bed I lliall haue opportvnity to fpeak to any of yov, much leffe to All — thought it the beft, whilft I was able to compofe fonie lliort matters, (for what elfe to call them I know not) and bequeath to yov, that when I am no more with yov, yet I may bee

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