Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/90

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6 Anne Bradjireefs Works.

but by one affli6lion or other hath made me look home, and fearch what was amiffe — fo vfually thvs it hath been with me that I haue no fooner felt my heart out of order, but I haue expected corre6lion for it, which moft commonly hath been vpon my own perfon, in fickneffe, weaknes, paines, fometimes on my foul, in Doubts and feares of God's difpleafure, and my fincerity towards him, fometimes he hath fmott a child with ficknes, fometimes chafltened by loffes in eftate, — and thefe Times (thro : his great mercy) haue been the times of my greateft Getting and Ad- vantage, yea I haue fovnd them the Times when the Lord hath manifefted the moft Love to me. Then haue I gone to fearching, and haue faid with David, Lord fearch me and try me, fee what wayes of wickednes are in me, and lead me in the way ever- lafting : and feldome or never but I haue fovnd either fome lin I lay vnder which God would haue re- formed, or fome duty neglected which he would haue performed. And b}' his help I haue layd Vowes and Bonds vpon my Soul to perform his righteous com- mands.

If at any time yov are chaftened of God, take it as thankfully and Joyfully as in greateft mercyes, for if yee bee his yee fhall reap the greateft benefitt by it. It hath been no fmall fupport to me in times of Darknes when the Almighty hath hid his face from me, that yet I haue had abundance of fweetnes and refrefliment after affli6lion, and more circumfpe6lion

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