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Religions Experiences. 9

word, and this mvft bee it or none. Hane I not fovnd that operation b}' it that no humane Invention can work vpon the Soul ? hath not Judgments befallen Diverfe who haue Icorned and contemd it? hath it not been prelerved thro: All Ages maugre all the heathen Tyrants and all of the enemves who haue oppofed it? Is there any llory but that which fhowes the beginnings of Times, and how the world came to bee as wee fee? Doe wee not know the prophecyes in it fullfilled which could not haue been lb lonsf foretold by any but God himfelf ?

When I haue gott over this Block, then haue I an- other pvtt in my way. That admitt this bee the trve God whom wee worfhip, and that bee his word, 3'et why may not the Popifh Religion bee the right? They haue the fame God, the fame Chrift, the fame word: they only enterprett it one way, wee another.

This hath fomtimes ftuck with me, and more it would, but the vain fooleries that are in their Reli- gion, together with their lying miracles and cruell perfecutions of the Saints, which admitt Avere they as they terme them, 3/et not fo to bee dealt with- all.

The confideration of thefe things and many the like would foon turn me to my own Religion apain.

But fome new Troubles I haue had lince the world has been filled with Blafphemy, and Se6laries, and fome who haue been accounted lincere Chriftians haue been carryed away with them, that fomtimes I haue faid.

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