Page:The works of Christopher Marlowe - ed. Dyce - 1859.djvu/13

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The present edition of Marlowe's Works is not a reprint of that put forth by the same publisher in 1826, but exhibits a new text formed on a collation of the early copies. I had no concern in the edition of 1826, which, nevertheless, has been frequently cited as mine; and when I characterize it as abounding with the grossest errors, I cannot offend its editor, who has been long deceased.

Several years ago, an edition of Marlowe's Works was projected by Mr. J. P. Collier; but, on learning that I had commenced the present one, he abandoned his design, and kindly transferred to me some curious documents which he had intended to use himself, and which I have inserted in their proper places: nor, conscious as I am that there has been inexcusable delay in bringing out the present edition, ought I to be dissatisfied that Mr. Collier should have since printed a considerable portion of those papers in the Prolegomena to his Shakespeare. I have also to return my thanks to Mr. Collier for furnishing me with all the entries concerning Marlowe's pieces which he had met with while preparing for the press his Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company.

My best acknowledgments are due to the Rev. Dr. Bandinel, Librarian of the Bodleian, Oxford, both for the information which he communicated to me by letter, and for the many courtesies which I experienced from him when I had occasion to inspect Malone's collection of English poetry, now added to the Bodleian treasures. By the ready services of the Rev. H. O. Coxe, of the same noble establishment, I have profited more than once.

To the Rev. J. C. Robertson, Vicar of Beakesbourne, who spared neither