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When the brazen Tartars came with their frightened horses kicking up dust and sand,

While the Tartar horde watered their horses in the Tien- chin River, ^ You, governor of Chang-yeh, then, resided near Wine Spring;

I, banished nine thousand li, was in the land of Pa.


��When the world was put to order, and the laws made 4p* lenient,

viy I, an Yeh-lang exile, stricken with the chilly frost, ~% How I longed for my friend in the west whom I could KcL not see.

Only the east wind bore my dream back to Chang-an.

  • % ^ What a chance that I met you in this place !

In joy and bewilderment I felt like one fallen from the

cloud. And amid the noise of pipes and flutes at the joyous

feast I endeavored in vain to utter long sentences.

Yesterday, clad in a biocade robe, I poured the costly wine.

To-day, sore-afflicted, I am dumb like the speechless trees.

Once I rode on horseback in the great imperial park;

Now I jog about slowly from house to house of man- darins.


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