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Ia Po the Chinese Poet

��Toussaint, La Flute de Jade. Encore. (No.

48) Lowell, Fir-Flower Tablets. Songs of the

March, III. (No. 48)

No. 50. The Imperial Concubine.

Bernhardt, Li Tai-Po. Acht Gedechte iiber die

Freuden in Palastinnern. Lowell, Fir-Flower Tablets. Pleasures within

the Palace. Giles, Chinese Poetry in Eng. A Favorite. , Hist, of Chinese Lit. P. 152.

No. 51. Parting at Ching-men.

No. 52. On the Yo-Yang Tower with his Friend Chia.

No. 53. Awakening from Sleep on a Spring Day.

Bernhardi, Li Tai-Po. Der Trinke im Friih- ling.

Florenz, Gedichte v. Li Taipe. Lebensweis- heit.

Forke, Bliithen Chin. Dicht. Im Rausch.

Giles, Gems of Chinese Lit. On Getting Drunk in Spring.

Chinese Poetry in Eng. The Best of

Life is But —

St. Denys, Poesie. Un Jour de Printemps.

Toussaint, La Flute de Jade. Un Jour de Printemps.

Waley, Asiatic Rev. Waking from Drunken- ness on a Spring Day. [226]

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