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t No. 100. Lines.

Bernhardi, Li Tai-Po. Gedichte aus Zeilcn

von Drei, Fiinf und Sieben Zeichen. Giles, Chinese Poetry in Eng. No Inspiration. Ldwell, Fir-Flower Tablets, Word Pattern.

No. 101, 102, 103, 104. The Ballads of the Four Seasons.

Bernhardi, Li Tai-Po. Vier Wu Lieder nach Tsu-yeh Art.

St. Denys, Poesie. Chanson des Quatre Sai- sons.

Toussaint, La Flute de Jade. Chanson des Quatre Saisons.

Cranmer-Byng, A Lute of Jade. Under the Moon. (No. 103)

Giles, Gems of Chinese Lit. The Grass- Wid- ow's Song. (No. 103)

No. 105, 106. Two Letters from Chang-kan.

Bernhardi, Li Tai-Po. Zwei Lieder aus

Chang-Kan. Florenz, Gedichte v. Li Taipe. Das Lied von

Chang-Kan. (No. 105) Pound, Cathay. The River Merchant's Wife:

A Letter. (No. 105) Waley, Asiatic Rev. Chang-Kan. (No. 105) Lowell, Fir-Flower Tablets. Chang-Kan.

(No. 105)

No. 107. On Ascending the Sin-ping Tower.

Florenz, Gedichte v. Li Taipe. Beim Aufstei- gen im Hause, Sin-Ping-Lou. [233]

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