Page:The works of Monsieur de St. Evremond (1728) Vol. 2.pdf/9

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A Letter to the Dutchefs of NEVERS, in thename of the Dutchefs of MA ZARIN; I neverdoubted of your having all the Concern, &c. 415
A Letter to Monfieur ***, in the Name of theDutchefs of MAZARIN; I always believed thatyou were fo kind, &c. 416
A Judgment upon fome French Authors. 417
A Letter to the Dutchefs of MAZARIN; I hopeyou will be fo good as to excufe me, &c. 419
A Letter from Madam DE L'ENCLOS to M. DEST. EVREMONDD; M. de Charleval is juftdead, &c. 421
A Letter from the fame to M. DE ST. EVREMOND; I was all alone in my Chamber, &c. 422
M. DE ST. EVREMOND'S Anfwer to MadamDE L'ENCLOs; Monfieur Turretin, &c. 424
A Billet to the Dutchefs of MAZARIN; I begI thinkof you to tell the Dutchess of Bouillon, &c. 425
A Letter to the Dutchefs of BOUILLON, in thename of the Dutchefs of M AZARIN;I have explained myfelf fo often, &c. 426
A Billet to the Dutchefs of MAZARIN; If youhave a mind to understand, &c. 427
A Letter to the fame; No Letter had ever given memore Pleafure, &c. 428
To the fame; The fine Air of Chelsea, &c. 429
A Fragment upon the difcovery of a Confpiracyagainst the King in 1696. 430
A Letter to Madam DE L'ENCLOS; I havereceiv'd the fecond Letter, &c. 431