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vi THE CONTENTS: power to augment his Pleafures, and leffen his Miferies. Chap. II. Of the Existence of God. ibid. 211 Chap. III. That we ought to reftrain the Violence of our Appetites, by confidering the true worth of those things we defire. 217 Chap. IV. Of Reputation. 219 Chap. V. Of Vexations and Difpleafures. 223 Chap. VI. Of Pleasures. 231 Of the true and falfe Beauty of ingenious Writings. 239 Chap. I. Some Rules to write well, and to judge well of the Authors and their Writings. ibid. Chap. II. Of the Cleannefs of Expreffion. 248 Chap. III. Of the Exactness of Reasoning. Of Study and Converfation. 257 267 Of Friendſhip. 273 Reflections upon the Doctrine of EPICURUS. 279 Maxim, That we ought never to be wanting to our Friends. 324 330 A Fragment out of the Hiftory of ATALANTA, out of ÆLIAN's Var. Hift. 1. 13. c. 1. Obfervations on what is neceffary to direct a young Man how to enter with advantage upon the Theatre of the World, and there to fupport him. felf with Honour. 335 Reflections upon what Meaſures a man fhould take to live happy. Of Logick. 343 346 Of Moral Philofophy. 347 Maxims of Morality. 349 The Character of a Man of Honour. 351 Maxims for the Ufe of Life. 355 The Charms of Friendſhip. 360 Thoughts upon feveral Subjects. 381 Reflections upon the Truth of our Defects. 384 Advice how to regulate our Studies. 385 THE