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still. I have been reading in the old papers of the movements to emancipate women that were going on before the discovery of atomic force. These things which began with a desire to escape from the limitations and servitude of sex, ended in an inflamed assertion of sex, and women more heroines than ever. Helen of Holloway was at last as big a nuisance in her way as Helen of Troy, and so long as you think of yourselves as women"—he held out a finger at Rachel and smiled gently—"instead of thinking of yourselves as intelligent beings, you will be in danger of—Helenism. To think of yourselves as women is to think of yourselves in relation to men. You can't escape that consequence. You have to learn to think of yourselves—for our sakes and your own sakes—in relation to the sun and stars. You have to cease to be our adventure, Rachel, and come with us upon our adventures. . . ."

He waved his hand towards the dark sky above the mountain crests.


"These questions are the next questions to which research will bring us answers," said Karenin. "While we sit here and talk idly and inexactly of what is needed and what may be, there are hundreds of keen-witted men and women