Page:The writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling (IA cu31924057346631).pdf/42

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"Donec Gratus Eram"


Yeou'm like me. I'm in lovv with young Frye—
Him as lives out tu Appledore Quay;
An' if dyin' u'd 'elp 'im I'd die—
Twice ovver for he.


But 'sposin' I threwed up Jane
An' niver went walkin' with she—
And come back to you again—
How 'u'd that be?


Frye's sover. Yeou've allus done badly—
An' yeou shifts like cut net-floats, yeou du:
But—I'd throw that young Frye ovver gladly
An' lovv 'ee right thru!