Page:Thea von Harbou Metropolis eng 1927.pdf/121

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METROPOLIS paced behind Death; and gradually their paces became a light dance. "The seven Deadly Sins danced along bemnd Death, who was playing the Bute.

"Then the cathedral was filled' with a light which seemed to be made from rose·leaves. An inexpressibly sweet, overpowering perfume hovered up, like incense, between the pillars. The light grew stronger and it seemed to ring. Pale

red lightning Bashed from the heights collecting itself in the central nave, to the magnificent radiance of a crown.

"The crown rested on the head of a woman. And the woman was sitting upon a scarlet-coloured beast, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and decked with gold, precious stones

and pearls. She had in her hand a golden cup. On the crowned brow of the woman there stood. mysteriously written: Babylon.

"Like a deity, she grew up and radiated. Death and the seven Deadly Sins bowed low before her.

"And the woman who bore the name Babylon had the features of Maria, whom I loved. . . . . "The woman arose. She touched the cross-arched vault of the lofty cathedral with her crown. She seized the hem of her cloak and opened it. And spread out her cloak with both hands. . . . Then one saw that the golden cloak was embroidered with the images of· manifold demons. Beings with women's bodies and snakes' heads-beings half bun, half angel-devils adol11ed with crowns, human faced lions. "The flute song of Death was silenced. But the' fellow in the pulpit raised his yelling voice:

.. 'Repent I The kingdom of heaven is at hand I' "The church-clock was still hammering the wild twelvetime of midnight. "The woman looked Death in the face. She opened her mouth. She said to Death: 'Col' "Then Death hung the flute on his girdle, by the hourglass, took the scythe down from his shoulder and went. He went through the cathedral and went out of the cathedral.