Page:Thea von Harbou Metropolis eng 1927.pdf/168

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METROPOLIS and Huitzilopochtli and Durgha, even the hammer of Asa Thor and the Towers of Silence. The crosses of Golgotha, from the ends of the beams of which long, white crackling sprigs of sparks were blazing, fell together and then straightened up again. Then everything crashed back into its place with furious emphasis. Then all the lights went out. And from the depth and distance the city howled. "Father-I" shouted Freder. ."Yes.-Here I am.-What do you wantr' ".... I want you to put an end to this nighhnare-I" "Now?-now-l" "But I don't want any more people to suffer-I You must help them-you must save them, father-I" "You must save theUJ,. Now-immediatelyl" "Now? no'" "Then,» said Freder. pushing his fists out far before him, as if pushing something away from him, "then I must seek out the man who can help me-even if he is your enemy and mine," "Do you mean Rotwang?" No answer, Joh Fredersen continued: "Rotwang cannot help you," "Why not-" "He is dead." Silence, Then, tentatively, a strangled voice which askedi "Dead ... ?'~ "Yes." "How did he come ... so suddenly ... to die?" "He died, chieBy, Freder, because he dared to stretch out his hands toward the gfrl whom you love," Trembling fingers fumbled up the stem of the cross. "Maria, father-Maria ... ?" "So he called her," "Maria-was with him?-In his house-PO' "Yes, Freder, "Ah-I see.-I see-I ... And now-I" "I do not know," Silence. "Freder?" JJ
