Page:Thea von Harbou Metropolis eng 1927.pdf/182

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• M E.T R 0 POL I S "I can hardly hear you...." "Get·t!ie cltildren out first, Freder. . . . The wall's sinking... :' Grot came lumbering along and threw himself on the ground by Freder's side) clutching down into the pit from which the children were scrambling out, screaming. He grabbed the children by the hair, by the neck, by the head, and h'auled them Up. as one pulls up ndishes. His eyes were popping out of his head with fear. He hUl'led the children over his body, so that they tumbled over, shrieking miserably. He cursed like a hundred devils. "Isn't that nearly all of them-?" He bawled down two names. . . • , "Father, father-I" sobbed two little voices in the depths. "The devil take you, you couple. of Jackanapesl" roared the man. He rwnmaged the children aside with his fists, as if he were shovelling rubbish on the dustheap. Then he gulped, snorted, clutched out, and had two children hanging around his neck, wet and shivering piteously, but aliveand their "limbs stood more in danger of his fumbling fists than previously of the water and the tumbling stones. With the children in both arms, Grot rolled over on his side. He sat up and planted the couple before him. - "You God-damned p~ir of ragamuffinsl" he said, amidst sobs. He wiped the tears from his eyes. And sprang up, hurling the childl'en aside, like two little hay-stooks. With the furious roar of a lion, he ran to the door, from the depths of which Maria was emerging, with closed eyes, supported by Freder's arm. "You bloody-I" he howled out. He dragged Freder aside, shoved the girl back into the depths, slammed the trap-door to, and slung his entire weight upon it, drumming the rhythm of his laughter upon it with clenched fists. A grim effort had kept Freder on his feet. Beside himself, he fell upon the maniac to tug him from the trap-door, fell over him and rolled with him, in furious embrace, among the ruins of the machines. " «Let me go, you dog, you mangy dogl" howled Cart, trying to bite at the angry fist which held him. "That woman