Page:Thea von Harbou Metropolis eng 1927.pdf/194

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METROPOLIS "But you must be able to hear it-II" "Won't you drive on, FrederP" "And don't you see that the air over there is getting bright red?" "From the torches, Freder " "They don't burn so brightly " "Freder, we're losing time here-I" Freder did not answer. He was staring at the tatters of the iron bridge which were dangling down into the ravine of the street. He must cross over, yes, he must cross over, to get to the cathedral by a short cut.... The frame-support of a ripped-open tower had fallen over from this side of the sb'eet to the other, gleaming metallically in the uncertain light of the fading night, "Cet out," said Freder. "Why?" "Get out, I tell you ... "I want to know why?" "Because I'm going across there.•••"Across where?" "Across the frame-support:' "Going to drive across-r' "Yes," "It's suicide, Freder'" "I didn't ask you to accompany me. Get autl" "I won't permit it-it's blazing lunacy'» "The fire over there is blazing, man-I» The words seemed not to come from Freder's mouth. Every woupd of the dying city seemed to be roaring out of him. "Drive on'" said Josaphat through clenched teeth. The car gave a jump. It climbed. The narrow irons received the sucking, skidding wheels, with an evil, maliciously hypocritical sound. Blood was trickling from Freder's lips. "Don't-don't put the brake on-for God's sake don't put the brake ani" shouted the man. beside him making a clutch of madness at Freder's hand. The car, already half-slipping, shot forward again. A split in the frame-work-over, onoW