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out. It is possible that the two-fold attack against the Church will be carried on simultaneously, making the refuge mentioned in verse 6 coincide with the one mentioned here. However, the whole context seems to be against such an interpretation.

15, 16. The dragon now seeks to overwhelm the Church with a veritable flood of tribulations, but some faithful nation, or nations, (the earth) comes to her rescue. This verse proves that the great revolt of nations mentioned by St. Paul [1] will not be universal. God will preserve at least one nation to defend the Church in that hour when, humanly" speaking, everything seems hopeless.

17, 18. Satan now realizes that victory will be difficult. His first attempt failed miserably. In this second conflict new tactics must be employed. He will now seek to lead the faithful astray by a false Messias whom he will raise up in the person of Antichrist. This new adversary is to spring from the sea, the nations already hostile to the Church, hence Satan takes his stand by the shore to call forth the man of sin, the son of perdition. [2] It is a solemn moment of "fear and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world." [3]

  1. II Thessalonians ii, 3.
  2. II Thessalonians ii, 3.
  3. St. Luke xxi, 26