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12. Antichrist will establish himself in Jerusalem [1] where a great number of Jews will have gathered through some such movement as Zionism. The vast majority of Jews have ever clung to the belief that God will one day restore the kingdom of Israel through a Messias an "Anointed one" of the house of David. [2] When Anti-christ manifests h?mself to those in Jerusalem with his "lying wonders" they will immediately proclaim him their king and Messias. Then through the power of false miracles the prophet will soon lead the Gentile nations to adore him as the true Messias promised of old by the prophets. St. Paul clearly states that Antichrist will give himself out as God: "He opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God." [3]

Many theologians believe that Antichrist will rebuild the temple of Jerusalem in which he will establish his throne and be worshipped as God. The words of St. Paul, cited above, certainly seem to favor this belief, and there can be no doubt that such an achievement would secure immediate recognition for Antichrist and his projects. On the other hand the prophecy of Daniel seems to preclude such a possibility: "And there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end." [4] It matters not how scholars interpret this

  1. Cf. xi, 8; xiv, 20; xvi, 19.
  2. Encyclopedia Americana, Art, "Jews and Judaism Zionism."
  3. II Thessalonians ii, 4.
  4. Daniel ix, 27; St. Matthew xxiv, 15.