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The breaking of the seventh seal reveals the vicissitudes of the Church during the centuries which follow its establishment upon the ruins of the Roman Empire. The varying fortunes of the Church during these centuries serve to separate the good from the bad. This work of separation goes on through all the centuries to be completed only at the last judgment. Hence the visions of the seventh seal continue on to the end of the Apocalypse.

We can now begin to realize how logically the prophecies of the Apocalypse are developed. Each succeeding chapter presents in regular order a new period of the Church's existence on earth.

1. Upon the breaking of the seventh seal there is silence in heaven, a mark of reverence and awe. The half hour represents the time given St. John to contemplate the vision set before him.

2. The seven angels before the throne of God are ever ready to execute His commands for are they not all ministering spirits?" [1] Seven, the perfect number, signifies the thoroughness with which God's every command shall be carried into effect. In a symbolic meaning these angels represent the bishops and the priests of the Church. Each one is given a trumpet to proclaim the Gospel to the uttermost bounds of the earth. The voice shall be clear and strong, leaving no excuse for those who will not hear.

  1. Hebrews i, 14.